Tag-Based Chat Platform

I have a very clear idea of what I want to build with this; so far, I've only built a very rudimentary prototype.


A protocol for writing praise for other users on GitHub

This has been one of the projects I've most wanted to do, but put off doing, for over a year.


A pluggable shell user and Heroku-compatible ecosytem (Plusku) More Info

I've got access to cluster computing generously provided by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation: my next steps are using that to build a robust sandbox system. I also want to restructure Plusku to make use of Kubernetes for app provisioning, rather than fumbling around managing Docker internally.

Web App Manifest Polyfill for Desktop Browsers

Based on a conversation with Nolan Lawson a few years ago, this would be how I'd fulfill the goals described at https://discourse.wicg.io/t/making-icons-less-painful-and-murky/870 back in 2015.


A repository demonstrating the use of every built-in feature of GitHub

I created the repo as soon as I had the initial idea, but I've yet to populate it. This could be a fun one to do live.

Tab-Stashing Browser Extension

Still need to implement sync. Wouldn't mind simplifying the logo.


A Pebble watchface displaying time, date, weather, and power levels

I've got a few bugs I need to squash next time I'm in the neighborhood of the Pebble development ecosystem.

Open Profilogical Web Survey

A project to map out the user account systems of every site on the web

There are a few refactors/migrations in the pipeline I want to implement, as well as a proper build toolchain (I need to rethink the current build system path structure).

Versioning Draft and Dictation Editor

I've got an idea of what I want to build, plus a domain and logo.

Music Transcription Tool

I know what I want to design and how I want to implement it: I had about an hour's worth of work put toward this, but I accidentally deleted it.

Alphabinary Encoding

Tools around the idea that you can express binary data as English prose by using letters as bits based on which half of the alphabet they're in More Info

There's lots of stuff I want to do with this, which may get their own projects: right now, this project is a sort of signifier for "anything that deals with that awesome Alphabi stuff".

Post-Password-Manager Extension

Needs UI / flow polish.

Reservoir Dogs Secret Hitler
Pro Cons and Law Rats

I know what I want to make with this: I need to write up the Reservoir-Dogs-flavor rules and design the pieces.

Parliamentary Posters

Posters explaining the main concepts of parliamentary procedure

I've only done one poster so far, but I'd like to design more.

Lean Notes

Some notes on how to build stuff on the Web

Right now, I have bunch of notes in the form of cards on Trello; I'm moving to migrate them to Markdown files on GitHub.

Multi-Homing In-Browser IDE

Like Cloud9, but newer, lighter, looser, and not owned by Amazon

Make Your Own Harriet Tubman $20
Project Araminta

At this point, the main thing left to do is refine designs for printable stamp handles, molds, and potentially stencils.

Node-based Recursive Site Downloader

I forgot that I wanted to make this. I've got a pretty nice interface planned out for it.

GitHub Pages Builder

I have the domain and some initial design thoughts for this.

Domain Parking for Projects
Parked Project

Needs a more stable live setup; more work on Plushu would help.

Grid-based Prototyping Tool

I've got a domain, a rough logo, and some design ideas. Next step should be codifying that design model.

Bookmark(let) Menu
SACRED Tenets of Foundational Architecture

Writing and thinking about how to do projects right

I need to refine the concept, and reconcile it with a few other projects I've got in the works.


An endlessly-nesting text tool kind of like Workflowy

I have a domain, logo, some UX ideas, and some idea of how I want to structure the implementation.

Textfile-Based File Manager
Hashblot Password Manager

Right now, I do this by going to hashblot.com and entering the string I'd use for a hashblot. I was originally thinking I would implement it as a standalone browser extension: nowadays, I think I'll implement it as a feature of NilPass.

HTML Content Clipper

The main thing I'd want with this today would be a good block storage hookup.

In-Browser SSH Keygen

I pretty much just comitted a raw proof-of-concept, with barely any styling applied.


A library for rounded shapes and contours in OpenJSCAD

Book of Computer History
Primer Prime

I know what I want to write, I just haven't found the time to type it out.

Emergency Credential Revocation

This is a big part of what I think a secure credential model should look like.

Crowdsourced Power Outlet Map

This is one of the first apps I ever wrote; today, I would essentially overhaul all the code other than the art assets and templates.

Async Realtime Commenting

The version online right now only supports local video files and has no credentialing system.

Open Dictionary of Reserved Words

A collection of alphanumeric words with special meaning in different technical contexts More Info

I've still yet to do a first commit on this, but I've put a fair amount of work toward it.

Raster-to-Vector Tracing Site

I wouldn't mind polishing the UI for this a bit. Also, I have a logo/favicon (and easter egg) in mind that I want to add.

GitHub Enhancement Suite

A collection of scripts that paper over issues with GitHub

I've got a few scripts written, but no Reddit-Enhancement-Suite-style browser extension collecting them all.

curl-able Shell Script Repository

I mostly just need to refine the live architecture of this.

Hole Your Own ClickVenture

A visualization tool for tracking the decision graph in ClickHole ClickVentures More Info

I'd still like to figure out how to position the nodes with as few path overlaps as possible.

GitHub Meets 4chan

This seems like it could be a fun project for a hackathon.


Adapters for the HTC Vive to the Jackson Safety 370 Welding Headgear

There's a working bracket up there now: I'd like to refine the hinge clasp a bit, and there are more models I'd like to add.

Drop-in User Account Management Suite

I need to spec out the prospective flows for this and run them by someone who understands CouchDB better than I do.


A story game about a robot that believes everything it hears

I have the high concept, but am not sure how to make the mechanics cooperative and fun.

Static Page App Routing Spec

I've got some content, but haven't found the time to really dedicate myself to evangelizing this.

Achewood Browser with Blogs

I mostly just need to redo the backend; now that the comic has effectively ended, I should really just make it pull from static data files or something like that.

Peer-to-Peer Dossier-Sharing Intelligence Network

I've been debating whether this should be implemented on Secure Scuttlebutt as a base, and how that would be structured if so.

Original Link Follower

A browser extension providing a button to immediately skip through reblogged content to go directly to its source

I've got a reasonable idea of how I'd implement this.

Footstep Noisemaker

I haven't rebuilt this in years, it probably needs some amount of revision for modern systems.

Parametric Charging Dock

The OpenSCAD for this is currently subtractive; it ought to be rewritten to be additive. (Also, I should do a writeup in the README on how I set up the one for my phone that's on my desk right now.) Should also publish it on Thingiverse / Youmagine.

Custom Word Filter Extension

I think I have an implementation that needs a little modernization, packaging, and UX polish.

Very Small Project License
License in Three Lines (LITL)

This could use a little more explanation as to its purpose.

Nuclear Tic-Tac-Toe

A score-based three-dimensional variant of Tic-Tac-Toe

This has the underlying game logic functions implemented (for analysis), but no UI.


An app for sending form email messages to people instead of a business card More Info

I don't "network" as much as I used to, so this isn't as pressing a need as it used to be, but I still think it's a good idea.

Chained Hulling Algorithm for Convex Hull Area of Canvas Alpha Threshold

There are some improvements I'd like to make to this algorithm, like developing a histogram of perimiters at different alpha levels instead of just 1 binary hull around a threshold alpha value at a time.

Group Dating Site

A dating site that sets up outings of three men and three women (like an episode of Friends)

I don't think about this as much as I used to, but I used to think about this a LOT.


A photo-editing GUI that generates ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick command lines

Grand Unified Ticket System

This might make sense as a Secure Scuttlebutt project.

Writing the Ship

A story game about the thin line between Hollywood tales of Titanic tragedies and Titanic blockbusters

I have some high-concept ideas about what I want to be in this game, but I'm not certain how they'd translate into mechanics.

Interest-Based Event Aggregator

My original design for this was Facebook-centric; I still feel that its main problem is not well-solved, but being less immersed in Facebook today has made a path to engagement for this less clear.

Compendium of Markdown Varieties
Flavored Markdown

I have the idea of what I'd want to fill in with this, but not necessarily the skill or knowledge to implement it. The main reason I originally set up this project was to provide an alternative to prevent the gauche, inorganic CommonMark specification from catching on; in the time since that project originally launched, this hasn't really given any indication of becoming that much of a threat, so I've pretty much let this project fall by the wayside.

CORS Proxy

I have this domain, but haven't put anything on it.

Lua-Based Scripting Shell

This is another hypothetical language I've designed that I will most likely never be pissed off enough to implement.

Grocery List Manager

This is based on the way I've been handling my grocery list in Trello for years.

Big Text Input

I think I need a better domain name for this.


A JS library for computing positions and indices on space-filling curves like the Hilbert, Moore, and Gosper curves, inspired by http://80386.nl/projects/flowsnake/

I apparently had a repo for this at one point, but I seem to have never comitted my work.

Cross-Distro Package Tool

A tool using the package data from pkgs.org to make setup/migration easy across Linux distros

You Know, That Guy

A wiki of short (<10 word) summaries to jog your memory of who's who

This also kind of ties into an idea I've had for a browser extension that would also insert these summaries in quotes into the middle of people's names.


A UI element for scrolling into archives in infinite-scrolling contexts

I want to implement this for use in both DingRoll and Tabalanche.

Virtual Reality Code Interpreter

If WebXR and WebAssembly firm up a bit, the tech basis for this will be a lot more workable.

White Elephant Secrets

An app for doing White Elephant gift exchanges based on secret data


A site that hosts King of the Hill competitions a la https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/king-of-the-hill

Could be a fun project to get to know Kubernetes with.

file(1) for Strings
What Is This String?

I have domains for this, and a few known structures I'd test against.

Keyboard Shortcut Helper

A common format for keyboard shortcut specifications, with converters and UI tools that provide a UI based on that format

This would be a fun project to demonstrate what's involved in structuring a data model / schema based on prior art in the field.


A video chat site using phrases as room identifiers More Info

I'm not sure if this is currently working; my existing implementation would need a significant overhaul. These days, there are a bunch of better-maintained sites that work basically the same way as this was going to work, so without some really fresh ideas that aren't currently being explored, there isn't really anything to add to this.

Pull Tool

A tool for one-shot downloading, patching, and extracting archives More Info

Needs UI polish and documentation. Could use some back-end refactoring.

Processing Pipeline Pastebin

I know what I want with this; the main issue I remember having is that Ace can't handle being transformed via CSS.

MOSS License

A Modular Open-Source Software License with mix-and-match clauses like what the Creative Commons License has

S-Expression Macro-Based Binary Compiler

I don't honestly ever expect to be qualified enough to tackle this realistically, but it's fun to consider.

Browser-Based Non-Linear Video Editor
Modern HTML Boilerplate Generator

I just realized that what I want from this can largely be accomplished with a single fixed body of text.

CouchDB in a Hurry

A primer to CouchDB that confronts its ugly truths

This could still use some work and elaboration on how to build practical projects with CouchDB.


A browser extension that makes websites embeddable and controllable via postMessage API

Currently I've only got a Netflix interface implemented (and I'm not sure that it still works), and the extension itself isn't published (since it may well violate lots of terms of service and stuff like that).


A Reddit bot that sounds a QI-style klaxon in the event an obvious joke is made

I think this is all set up, but not reliably.

WICG Dashboard

I haven't been involved in WICG for a while: this is something I'd start working on and maintaining if I got back into it.

Email/SMS-Oriented Helpdesk System
Formulaic Sentence Generator

There's another library I'd want to implement before I implement this.

Little Recurring Notifier

I was originally thinking of implementing this with a browser extension; this might be an interesting use of Service Workers today.

Meeting People Through Book-Lending

I have some design discussion around this lying around somewhere, before I'd actually looked into what options for running a little personal library are out there.

Pseudocode Template Translator

This is an old idea I've had for at least a decade.

Universal Domain Dashboard

A management console for domain registrations across registrars More Info

Dead Pixel Reviver

I broke the Chromebook with a stuck pixel that I would have tested this on, so I'm not particularly interested in working on this; the main thing I feel is missing from this project right now is a logo that's yet to be drawn.

Machine Learning Model Market
Little Replacement Pieces

I mostly only work on this when I've got some minor repair or replacement that needs doing.

Better chmod Permissions Calculator

A single elegant UI and visualization of chmod and umask


An HTML5 point-of-sale application styled after the buy menu interface from a video game

I can't think of a single case where this would be practical, but it still feels like it could be fun.

Q&A with Command Lines

Has domain, logo, and some idea what the site should look like.

Background CSS Dimmer Extension

A browser extension automatically making bright-themed websites dark-themed

Browser-Based SVG Editor
Perspective Quantities

A dataset of figures and measures for framing numbers

Nothing yet.

Email Masking Service

I have a domain and logo for this, and some idea as to how I'd implement it.

DeviceMotion/DeviceOrientation Polyfill

This would most likely be useful if and when I revisit StepDub.

Cross-Editor Color Scheme Translator

I don't really care about editor colors any more, so I'm not all that inclined to pursue this.

Timeline Weaver
Pass-and-Play Caption Contest

I have a really old codebase for this; it might even be viable, I don't remember.

N-Star US Flag Displayer

Before tackling this, I would try seeing if the author of that article still has the widget's sources.

Partial Preimage Attacker
Large Hashsum Collider

Right now this is written in proof-of-concept JS instead of something performant: that would be the first thing I'd want to change.


A site where competitors go head-to-head and the loser(s) buy the winner(s) pizza More Info

Nearest Neighbor Image Condensor

A script that consolidates 100% identical rows/columns of pixels (within an expected ratio)

Rebus Search

A search engine that only accepts images for the search query (a satire of text-free GUIs)


A dummy GitHub user for forking More Info


Stuff for the Nintendo DSiWare game X-Scape

I originally started working on this before I even knew web development. It's been so long since this project was relevant to me, I'm not even sure where my DSiXL is.

Developer Extension Refresh Button

I implemented a whole animation for this before realizing the backend wasn't feasible. Today, I've got a robust enough API to implement this in Pull Tool, but the functionality of this extension is less important (and won't work as Google closes the door on Chrome apps in non-Chrome-OS contexts).

Remote Usability Test Observer
First Glare

Honestly, the biggest blocker on this for me is that I can't get that domain name.